Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I heart Pretty Woman

As (un)luck would have it, I did not in fact win the poker tournament. Big shocker, I know. Nor did my secret charm. BOO! The two surprises of the tournament for me?

First, I managed to stay in the tournament longer than Eric. <Insert record scratch>

Weird, right?! Not good for us. That meant the odds of us “cashing” drastically dropped at that point. (I think I used the term “cashing” appropriately, but God only knows…see this post for more details.) Here’s a little something to depict the predicament we were in:

With Eric out of the tournament things were looking bleak.

Second surprise? I was the last chick to survive in the tournament! Sweetness. So long story short, had I been playing the tournament with just the chicks, I would’ve totally dominated! Stupid boys. And we’ll ignore the fact that there were only a total of three girls playing. Minor details.

And just when I thought I didn’t quite lose enough money for the night, I proceeded to jovially join the cash game. “Big mistake. HUGE mistake.” (Vivian Ward, Pretty Woman) The cash game went south rather quickly, but for some unknown reason I kept shoving more money into the game. What the…?

Alas, there was good news of the night. We did NOT have repeat incidents of our last poker tournament. Incidents such as…well, to protect the privacy of the innocent, let’s just say there was a LOT of falling. And apparently too many drinks. But I’m proud to report this time the blinds were left unharmed and there were no bruises. Except maybe a few bruised egos for those of use that didn’t win the tournament.

In other news, we hit up the Sprecher Brewery Tour on Saturday. While I’ve frequented the Lakefront Brewery Tour, oh about 1,398 times, I was a Sprecher virgin. It was a quick tour (about 20-30 minutes) and our guide - who we know! - kept us moving along throughout the facility. Thank goodness for that because my A.D.D. tendencies can’t handle much more than that; especially since I’m pretty sure I could recite the brewing process in my sleep at this point.

After the tour, we sampled...rootbeer, of course! And if you believe that, I’ve got a bridge I want to sell you…


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