Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Dolla dolla bills, y'all

Some of you may have noticed that I recently added advertising to my blog. I decided to do this mainly out of sheer curiosity. Initially, I was curious about the type of ads that would be placed on my site. I was REALLY hoping I would not need to implement the “18 and over” banner on my site due to the ad content, if you catch my drift. Thankfully, I did not. Phew.

I think I may have figured out that the text in my new posts are scanned for various key words and then the advertisements are based off of those words and/or pics. Then again, I’m still very new to blogging so I might be making all of that up. One never knows. And I suppose I could try to research that a bit more, but I’m bored just thinking about that.

Oops, I’m on a tangent again. Back to the reasons I added advertising…

My interest was also piqued when I found out I could actually make money from posting the ads. Say what?!?! Money? Color me there.

The first week or so, I wasn’t seeing much in terms of cash flow. And I’m still not. But I’m starting to see a little! So far I’ve racked up $3.70! Woohoo! Okay, it’s nothing to be excited about yet, but maybe one day. Only YOU can help me make this site profitable (or at least not an utter waste of time)!

Moral of the story: If you see an ad you’re interested in, I definitely wouldn’t be opposed to you checking it out. 

Official Google Disclaimer: Clicks on Google ads must result from genuine user interest. Any method that artificially generates clicks or impressions on your Google ads is strictly prohibited.

Now I'm off the hook.  ;)

Maybe the time I put into coming up with content and transforming all the nonsensical thoughts in my head into a coherent post could actually buy me a pair of shoes in the long run. And I mean LONG run. Unless, of course, you know where I can get a sweet pair of kicks for $3.70…

Speaking of sweet, on a totally different subject, I was told not long ago that I have “sweet carrying skills”. It was attributed to the fact that I can carry multiple beverage glasses, plates, etc. at the same time with my bare hands. BARE HANDS FOLKS. No silly trays needed here. Pffft. I was a waitress throughout high school and college and apparently those mad skills I acquired are really coming in handy each night as Eric and I make our trek from the kitchen to our upstairs family room with dinner.

I think these sweet carrying skills will pair nicely with my sweet computer hacking skills and nun chuck skills.


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