Monday, September 28, 2009

T minus 4 days

That’s right folks – we’ll be opening our doors to welcome our friends and family for a poker tournament this Friday.

(If any legal entities are reading this, we will be playing purely for the fun and enjoyment of one another’s company. Duh. Sheesh!)

Anyway, while I usually haven’t fared very well in the past, I’m hoping for an underdog surprise this time around (with hopefully the above hand, if possible!). We haven’t had a chick win a tourney yet, but that’s all about to change. Clearly I do not lack the necessary confidence or the sweet, sweet poker lingo talk. Unfortunately, I lack the necessary skills. Crap. I’m banking on some good luck. I better start scrounging up a rabbit’s foot, 4-leaf clover, and a wishbone now.

Oh, and when I say I possess sweet, sweet poker lingo talk I really mean I string together random poker words into a sentence that makes zero sense. It’s pretty awesome. So you better watch out before I “go all in with my boat after I re-raised your bitch ass after the turn cuz I’m pot committed.” Yeah, I said it. And nope, I don’t know what I mean either.

I’m also banking on my secret weapon.


Although, I guess he’s not really a secret anymore since he’s won a few tournaments. C’monnnn Sugar Daddy! Mama needs a new pair of shoes! I’d even settle for Kohl’s shoes. Seriously. I’ll even throwing in a Kohl’s coupon towards them. Ha!

Other wisdom to bestow upon you? I’m going to be “telling a story” with each hand I play so you best be listening or I’ll snatch up all your chips. Truth. (At least that’s what I’ve been told by a veteran.)

In other news, we’ll also be having a friend from out of town visiting so it’ll be a busy weekend. And as such, let the cleaning begin! Oh – gotta go…I’m being beckoned…“cinderella, cinderella!” No rest for the weary.


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