Thursday, October 8, 2009

Kids crack me up

Every Halloween, I usually try to stock up on all the good stuff that trick-or-treaters hope to score - or at least the ones I hoped for – Reese’s peanut butter cups, Snickers, and Kit Kats. The bad thing is that I sample WAY too much as I wait for the kiddies to arrive. If I were smart, I’d get the kinds of candy I don’t like so I wouldn’t be as tempted to eat it, but it’s all about the kids, right?! I must get the good stuff, even if my waistline takes a hit. Trick-or-treating rules.

With that said, I asked my girlfriend Lynda what her kids (a 1 year old and 3 year old) are dressing up as this year.

The answer regarding her daughter (the 3 year old) was classic and literally made me laugh out loud because it was so stinkin’ adorable!

Lynda: “Mia is going as Allison Wonderland. I keep telling her it's "Alice in" but she corrects me. She knows everything right now. lol.”

Anne: (laughing her butt off for two reasons...)

First, I thought my dear friend Lynda - an adult, wife, and mother of two children - didn’t know it was "Alice in" Wonderland! I was thinking, “Umm...Lynda…" but then I kept reading.  Phew.

Second, I’m laughing because it’s just so freakin’ adorable. Kids definitely say/do/think the darndest things and I absolutely love it.

As a side note: why is THIS the first image that comes up on Google Images for Alice in Wonderland?!?!

Why do ALL costumes turn slutty these days? Seriously! I bet Slutty "Allison" will be giving out tricks instead of treats, if ya feel me. Wrong. Just wrong.


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