Thursday, October 22, 2009

I blame Ray's

“Hi, my name is Anne, and I’m married to a gin martini pusher.”

There. I said it.

Now the healing can begin.

To give a little background, Eric regularly gets emails from Ray’s Liquors for various promotions. The latest and greatest had to do with Rehorst gin and vodka. While I may fall victim to clothing/shoes promos, Eric falls hard for Ray’s promos.

The added appeal of the Rehorst deal included two tickets to a Rehorst distillery tour and tasting. For those with a liver of steel or those that appreciate the taste of liquor on its own, this is probably of great interest.

Me…not so much.

While the jury’s still out on whether or not my liver is made of steel, I definitely do not have a taste for hard liquors minus a mixer. When Eric brought up the idea of the tour/tasting, all I could think about is where I would be able to ditch the “tastes” I would receive. Nearest plant?

Anyway, I’m not sure if he’s gearing up for the tour or what, but Eric’s been lovin’ him some gin martinis lately. And I’m not talking the type I could be down with. You know…Cosmos, Appletinis, Chocolate flavored, etc.

We’re talking the real kind - straight gin mixed only with Vermouth…the concoction guaranteed to grow hair on your chest.

And he’s convinced himself that he’s going to get me to like them as much as he does. Accordingly, each time he mixes one up, he asks me to try it. And being the agreeable wife I am, I do. Unfortunately for him, this is ALWAYS what happens:

I’m a kid with a lemon for the first time. It’s awful. Just awful.

And then about two minutes later, he’ll try to convince me to try it again! Ummm, if ANYTHING about my previous reaction indicated I would enjoy another taste, please let me know so I stop it immediately.

With that said, the other day Eric came home from hanging out with some friends. With great apprehension and caution he asked, “How would you feel about me maybe bringing one of my friends instead on the Rehorst tour and tasting?”

How do I feel??? OVERJOYED! There is a God.


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