Friday, October 23, 2009

What the what?!?

We’re headed this weekend to go visit my Mom’s side of the family in Michigan….waaaaay up north to the good ol’ U.P. (That’s the Upper Peninsula, for those of you not up on your geography lingo.) Or as we like to affectionately call it, “The Yoop”.

So what are the chances they are under a Winter Weather Advisory tonight? Very good, apparently. 6 inches of rainy, heavy SNOW. What the what?!? Snow? On October 23rd? And 6 inches of it? Sigh.

And riddle me this, Batman: How can they have a WINTER Weather Advisory when winter is still TWO MONTHS away?!?

“On the road again…I just can’t wait to get on the road again...”

I bet Willie Nelson wasn’t heading to the U.P. in October when he wrote those lyrics. Just sayin…

Stayed tuned for tales of our wintry weather travels next week. I’ll likely be incommunicado while in The Yoop. They’re still waiting to get the Internet up there.

Just joshing! Love you, Yoop! ;)


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