Thursday, August 27, 2009

Is there a candy version of the Hamburglar???

The vendor du jour in our lovely office building that’s selling crap no one really needs is a candy and nut company. While completely unnecessary…completely delicious! From gummy bears to nuts to chocolate covered coffee beans, they’ve got it all. This, in my humble opinion, is by far the best vendor our building allows through the doors. And not because they sell food (which is one of my favorite things in the whole world), but because they give free samples!! The samples are clearly meant to lure victims, I mean customers, over to their lovely display of deliciousness. I, however, do not purchase from them. Why buy the cow when you get the milk for free? :) They have these wonderful little sample dishes set up in front of a ton of different selections just waiting to be devoured. And when I’m really lucky, they give out the crème de la crème - chocolate covered pretzels. Those little guys aren’t offered up very often so when I see those puppies, my taste buds smile.

I always have to chuckle at myself, though. I’m the girl that tries to play it off like there’s a chance I might buy something, but then decides not to at the last minute. This, of course, always occurs AFTER I’ve had a nice sampling of chocolate covered candies. Although the end result is the exact same – I sample for free without ever buying anything – for some reason I feel like I must put on the act. To just walk up, grab a sample, turn around and leave just feels so blatant. So I put on my act (which I’m sure the vendor gals behind the register have seen a million times), get my samples, browse like I’m interested, and then make my getaway when I think they’re distracted with other customers. It’s pretty much the most awesome plan ever. haha!

I’m fairly certain at some point in the near future my mug shot will be posted down near their display tables forbidding me to partake in the samples...

At times I do feel a little guilty for never buying anything. But then I realize, holy cow! Their prices are ridiculous! It’s about $8 for a small-ish bag of some of their goodies. Here’s a thought: Stop giving away so much stinking free stuff and that should help lower your costs thereby making the bags of candy more reasonably priced! Maybe then I’d actually consider buying some. Nah! Let’s be honest. I probably still wouldn't. ;)


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