Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Just a number? The jury's still out.

*tear* I’m thirty freakin’ years old. Jeez. I might as well make my “arrangements” now. I think eventually I’ll warm to the idea of being old as molasses, but for the moment it’s still an open wound.

Other birthday news? I didn’t chicken out! I chopped off about 6 or 7 inches of my hair! (See this post for details.) I meant to have another one or two inches chopped off, but my stylist stopped after hacking off that much. Either way, it totally worked out. So far, I’m really glad I went through with it. Now this might come as a shock to you all…brace yourself…but a lot of things I say I’m going to do don’t actually come to fruition. I’m a big thinker with big ideas, but I need to work on my follow through. Ha! Score one for Anne for following through on something I said I was going to do! :) Speaking of big ideas…

My get rich quick idea of the week? Well, it’s not really “quick” per say. I should write a book! (Insert your own eye roll here.) I like writing. Check. I would LOVE to get published. Check. Now I just need a good idea…hmmm…I knew there would be a roadblock somewhere. I’m going to ignore that roadblock much like I ignore my school loan debt. Hey, there’s a thought! My book proceeds could pay off my school loans! Score. After all, college is where I learned my mad writing skillzzzz. It would only be fitting, right? AND I could write it on my snazzy new laptop Eric just bought me for my birthday!!! Oh, book ideas…where are you???

P.S. – poor Eric. I think he knew he had to “go big or go home” with my bday gift this year. I was in a fragile state of mind this year with the whole turning ancient thing and whatnot. I think he knew my birthday happiness this year could definitely be bought. :) Solid choice with the laptop, Eric, solid choice.


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