Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Can't we just skip this year?

Ugh. The dreaded big 3-0 is coming up in just about three and a half short weeks. Let’s all bow our heads and take a moment of silence... And did you notice how I said three AND a half weeks?? Yeah…I’m holding on to every single last day of my twenties that I can! :) This is going to be a hard b-day to swallow. I usually like birthdays, too…after all, what’s not to love?? Gatherings with friends and family and a ton of GIFTS!! Everyone loves gifts. Anywho, I can’t believe I’m going to have to officially check the “30-39” box now when I fill out random surveys and contests (which I actually do quite often…hey – someone has to win, right?!?!). As a side note: I don’t think Eric likes my mild obsession with filling out survey and contest forms because I usually also sign him up, too. Multiple random emails and calls later, I get the evil eye from him for yet again giving out his email addy and phone number. :) Bet he won’t be shooting me the evil eye when he wins the new Jaguar they are giving away in the middle of the local mall…just sayin’.

Anyway, I digress. Weird, right? Me get off on a tangent? Huh. Anywho, to commemorate the day, I’m toying with the idea of getting a totally new, radical hair style! Yes, that’s right folks - I like to live on the edge. Ha! Seriously though, chopping off my hair really IS living on the edge for me! I’m scared like none other. I’ve pretty much had the same style for quite a few years, and at the risk of sounding egotistical, I literally still get a lot of compliments on my hair from random strangers in stores, in elevators, etc. And no, I am NOT paying them. Some even go so far as to ask what my morning routine is to get the look. And yes – sometimes it does get very awkward talking to complete strangers about it. Haha! I’m thinking I might go with a shoulder length straight style with side swept bangs. For any guys reading this post, your eyes probably just glazed over and aren’t even reading any longer. :) But for those still with me, this is a pretty big change to my long, curly look I usually have. And as luck would have it, my hair stylist has an opening on my birthday and should be able to squeeze me in. When the big day gets here, either I will be a little less depressed that I’m turning 30 due to my new, sassy hairstyle, or I’ll end up regretting the change and crying in the corner. It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to.

Now just like Uncle Sam…I WANT YOU! Here is a picture of the style I think I want to get, but I need your input. Do you think I should get this new hairstyle? Or should I leave well enough alone and stick with my existing style? Vote now and voice your opinion! On the left panel of the site at the top (right under the site title) you can give me your input. Thanks in advance, everyone! And please be honest. No one likes a liar. :) Oh, and voting is anonymous so I won’t know who voted for what. I hold your anonymity in the highest regard. Haha

Oh, and I made sure to select an image with the watermark on it...all I need is Getty Images suing me or something. Then I'd never be able to afford to maintain ANY type of style. :)

Oh, and Happy 82nd Birthday today, Grandma! xoxo


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