Monday, August 10, 2009

“…if anyone orders Merlot, I'm leaving. I am NOT drinking any fu*king Merlot!” ~Miles Raymond, Sideways

Mmmm, wine. Delicious, delicious wine. What’s not to love? The basis of this posting all started back on Thursday afternoon… <queue flashback sequence>

I’m minding my P’s and Q’s while I peruse the jewelry fair that has taken over the ground level of our office building. I’m lost in thought and indecisiveness when I suddenly hear a conversation going on between an unidentified man and woman discussing something to do with wine. Being a wine lover, I continue looking at my potential new purchases while tuning in a bit more to their conversation. And NO – I was not eavesdropping. Okay, maybe a little. But what’s so wrong with eavesdropping anyway?! If you’re going to have a public conversation in the middle of a high traffic area you’ve got to expect it. :)

Anyway, it was right about then that I heard the MOST ludicrous comment ever. Now, let me preface this with saying that I’m not a wine snob. Well, not a hardcore wine snob, at least. I like to think there are varying levels of snobbery. On one end of the spectrum you have the snobs that you just want to punch in the face, there are others that are tolerable, some that only display their snobbery on select topics, and on the lower end of the scale are those that might be a bit snobby in certain instances but don’t outwardly make it obvious to others (since they know it’s snobby to do so!). When it comes to wine, I’m the later. I know I’m a little snobby and have a somewhat refined palette, but don’t make it obvious (I don’t think, at least…ha!) and I can still totally “slum” it when I need to without having any major issues with it. And believe me, I know just barely more than the minimum when it comes to wine, so I really, truly am not very snobby.

Back to the couple’s conversation… As I listened in for a few seconds, I quickly realized they were talking about a trip to California to visit wine country.

Woman: “Where were you thinking of heading? Napa or Sonoma? The main difference is the wine you are interested in.”

Wait for it…wait for it…

Man: “Who knows, who cares. Wine is wine.”

Seriously. SERIOUSLY?!?! Actually, that is NOT true at all! At that point, I stopped being incognito behind the jewelry rack and full-on stared at the couple. I had to get a visual on this dude. I mean, really. Go to Bradford Beach, sit on a lawn chair, get drunk off a box of wine and call it a day then. Don’t go to a flippin’ place where people that actually appreciate good wine should go! Okay, I think I’m getting a little carried away now…ha! I just shook my head, took my two purchases to the register and walked away bewildered. And yes – at that point, I had to buy something from the jewelry fair. I needed something to be right in the world again. :)

The next day rolls around and right after work I ran to the store. As I’m checking out, I see and hear the woman behind me (omg…I was eavesdropping again! Haha!) look at what appears to be her daughter and say, “Chianti, put that back!”. Jigga what?!?! Chianti? Who in their right mind names their child after a wine?!?! And then I mentally flashback to Silence of the Lambs as well - “…fava beans and a nice glass of chianti.” Ugh. What’s with people these days?!

After I left the store (bewildered for the second time in as many days), I headed home where I hopefully wouldn’t hear any more wine-related craziness. Oddly enough, Eric arrived home and offered up a suggestion on what we should do for the evening. Make wine! Ha! :) So…in an attempt to prove that wine is NOT just wine and Chianti is a varietal and NOT a child's name, Eric and I got to business and whipped up a batch of Cabernet. It’s still in the primary fermenter with many more stages to go, but in about 15 months we should be able to sample it. And so the countdown to Christmas 2010 begins!


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