Friday, August 14, 2009

Nobody puts Baby in the corner.

I’ve stumbled upon my newest, unattainable goal. Oh, and it’s interesting to say the least… Ready for this? I want to be a dancer!!! Yeah, pretty random. And not any old type of dancer. I want to be a hip hop street dancer. Boo-yah! Just saying it puts me in stitches...haha! :)

This is what happens on uneventful weekday nights with nothing to do or watch on the boob tube. Mid-week Eric and I decided to watch a movie and for some reason I won the privilege of selecting the movie du jour. Naturally, I selected Step Up 2: The Streets. I’m still baffled at how I managed to convince Eric to even download it for me. That in it of itself was a miracle alone! Usually he blocks such requests as he knows there will come be a time when I’ll try to convince him of the many reasons we should watch it together. That time was Tuesday night.

I’ve always had a fascination with watching people dance. Probably because I, myself, was born with two left feet. I often wonder why I couldn’t have had parents that passed on an ounce or two of rhythm. Is that so much to ask? :) From the fancy footwork to the teenage angst, I loved every second of the movie! So much so that Eric is now tortured every day with having to stop what he’s doing (“cuz I’m about to ruin…”) and watch the newest move I’ve either stolen from the movie or dreamt up in my head. Ha! All I can say is that my moves are getting increasingly worse with each passing day and I love it. Cracks me up every time! I’m pretty sure I could make myself laugh all day long. I seem to find such humor in the dumbest things, and believe me, my moves are pretty dumb. And unfortunately for my dance moves, dumb isn’t like “sick” is these days, meaning wicked cool, awesome, etc. etc. Dumb still means dumb.

I’ve also realized on my trek to becoming a dancing queen I need to get a hard body like the dancers in the movie had. Therefore, my equally unattainable goal is to do the P90x workout program. From what I’ve heard, it’s supposed to get results, but be extremely hardcore and intense. The military even offers P90x classes. Uh, if we’re talking military caliber sessions, I’m certain this won’t last long for me. :) I’ll be back to the couch in no time. And hopefully watching Step Up 2 again. Ha! In all seriousness though, I did the first day of the program so far. Yowza! I’m still sore and it’s three days later. We shall see how long this lasts…

In other unattainable goal news…once again, I set my sights high this past weekend. I was damn sure I was going to win the poker tournament I entered with Eric and 23 others. Bologne! I did not, in fact, win. Boo. I’m claiming discrimination. Good news? Eric won! Atta boy. Oh, and one win wasn’t enough for him. A select group of the entrants played another shorter tournament and you guessed it…big papa took that one down, too. Watch out, folks - we’ve got the next Doyle Brunson in the making! One day I’ll win…one day. Until then, I’ll likely continue to “donate” to the cause with the hope that my cash just come full circle and end up back in my hubby’s pocket.


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