Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Stop the madness!

Eric and I recently started watching the television show Friday Night Lights. I bring it up because I feel like the conversation around the proverbial water cooler today could be straight out of an episode in that show! Seriously…this topic would definitely ruffle the feathers of the beloved Dillon Panther fans. “Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose!!!”

For those of you that have never watched the show, it’s centered around a small town (Dillon, Texas) and their all-star high school football team, the Dillon Panthers. The entire - and I mean ENTIRE - town lives and breathes by the Panthers. It’s actually a pretty decent show and I kinda wish I was Lyla Garrity, the head cheerleader character. HA! She’s so adorable and has an awesome name, except (SPOILER ALERT!) I would pass on the whole cheating on my boyfriend with his best friend part. Shady? Yes. Do I still love her? You betcha! <in my best Sarah Palin voice>

Anyway, I feel like I’m in Dillon, TX today. All anyone is talking about is Brett Favre and his possible return to football. And to the VIKINGS nonetheless! Ugh. Granted, I’m not pleased about this possibility, but frankly I’m getting a little sick of hearing about Favre. Just sayin… I’ll probably be in the crosshairs of a sniper on my way home from work for uttering that thought, but I’ll take my chances. :)

I don’t know if maybe I’m just not as hardcore of a Packers fan as I thought I was or if I’ve just been desensitized to it all, but I kind of feel like saying, “WHO CARES!” :) I mean, really! Trust me when I say I really do love football, especially the Green Bay Packers. I have countless fond memories of watching the games with my Dad growing up, numerous Packers parties with my friends as we rooted on our favorite team, and many chilly Sunday afternoons cuddled up on our couch with both Eric and I screaming at the TV as if they can hear us. Well, mostly me screaming and Eric looking at me like I’m nuts…

But at some point, don’t people just shrug their shoulders and say enough is enough?!? I do. I guess I can’t blame the fans, though. I pretty much blame Favre for jerking everyone around for the past two years. Just make a decision and stick with it! With a little luck, Favre will sign with the Vikings, we (the Packers) will dominate the league, and Packers fans can have some much needed closure. I’ve enclosed a brief letter to little ‘ol Brett:

Dear Brett Favre,

Please make up your friggin’ mind and let our state return to its normal conversations of beer, un-Godly long winters, and fried foods on a stick. Thanks much.

P.S. The Vikings suck! Slick move, chief.

Yours truly,

The entire state of Wisconsin


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