Monday, March 15, 2010

Out Numbered

We finally found out…we will be welcoming a son into our family this summer!! Eric and I are both very, very excited and can’t wait to meet the little guy. Hurry up, July, and get here already!  P.S. - I totally need to buy this:

Anyway, because someone I know was told she was having a boy when it turned out later to be a girl, the conversation with the ultrasound tech went a little something like this:

UT: “Are you interested in finding out the gender?”

Anne: “Yes.”

UT: (few minutes after getting me lubed up and getting the first few shots) “Oh, I can see the gender…”

Anne: (after a awkward pause) “….AND????”

UT: “It’s a boy.”

Anne: (after my excitement settled down and I recall previous gender mixup story) “So on a scale of one to ten, just how sure are you that it’s a boy?”

UT: “9.75. They tell us we can never say 100%. Here, let me show you.”

(UT proceeds to “show” Eric and I what was supposed to be his man parts, but I’m sorry – ultrasounds are all gray and fuzzy. I couldn’t see anything that I was supposed to be seeing, but didn’t feel like admitting it to her.)

UT: “Do you see?”

Anne: “Oh, okay.” (Yeah, whatever…she’s the pro…I’ll take her word on it.)


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