Thursday, March 18, 2010

In the great words of Carrie Bradshaw, “Hello…lover.”

Blame it on the hormones or my inability to deny a 20% off coupon. Or if I wasn’t pregnant, I’d try to “blame it on the ‘tron” ala Jamie Fox style. Regardless of where the blame is placed, I finally did THE DEED.

I am no longer a virgin. Sorry, Mom and Dad. Although, I think you already knew that with Sebastian on the way. ;)

What I mean is that I’m no longer a Coach virgin.

Yep, that’s right. I finally broke down and I decided to treat myself to the gold standard of handbags (and all sorts of other accoutrements).

Fear not; I would have made bargain hunters around the globe proud. I didn’t just waltz into my nearest Coach retail store and hand over my Visa. No sir-ee bob! I do enough handing over of that puppy as it is…

Instead, I trucked it out to an outlet mall. Between their already discounted prices and a 20% off coupon a fellow Coach loving friend gave me (oh yeah, I should try to blame this on her, too…haha) I am now the new owner of my very first Coach handbag.


Hey - once you get me going, good luck stopping me. I can’t be caught making a fashion faux pas by having a designer handbag with a $10 used and abused wallet straight from Kohl’s clearance section.

*Photo courtesy of Eric...thanks!

And let me tell you...not an ounce of buyer’s remorse. Deducting the hefty sum of cash from my checking account register was a little tough to swallow, but I've recovered from my mini heart attack and I’m extremely pleased. (YES – I am one of about ten people that still religiously uses their register!)

Every time I look at “her”, I mentally say to myself, “Hello…lover.” Okay, let’s be honest, sometimes I say it out loud, too. She’s a beauty and the leather is ridiculously soft. Definitely worth it. I fear I may be addicted. Uh oh. But I’m not too worried. Once the cost of a child sets in, I’ll snap right out of that addiction.


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