Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A Baskin Robbins kind of day

Because of my uncontrollable urge to constantly be planning something, I’ve already finished registering for my baby shower in May. I think I demonstrated admirable restraint, though…I waited TWO WHOLE DAYS after finding out the sex before hightailing it to the stores!

I made one fatal flaw, though.

My desire to register quickly resulted in me inadvertantly going on a Saturday. First problem with this is that Saturdays are when everyone and their mother shops. Bad, Anne.

First stop was Target. It was a ZOO. Oh, and I know sometimes children are very wild and crazy at times and have their unpredictable “off” days, but I’m sorry…I will NEVER, EVER let my children run rampant through the aisles of a store without supervision while they yell and scream. Who allows that?!? Whoever they are, they need to stop reproducing ASAP. ;)

Needless to say, my trusty scan gun and I got down to business and got the heck out of dodge as quickly as I could. One store down, one to go.

Next on my agenda was Babies R Us. If I thought Target was bad, I had another thing coming.

Upon pulling up to Babies R Us, I noticed their parking lot was completely packed. This should’ve tipped me off and I should’ve turned right around.

Should’ve being the key word.

I was already there and figured what the hell. Well, what the hell was right. Turns out I picked possibly the worst day to register. Apparently, Babies R Us was having their “Annual Baby Shower” event in which they give away two small samples (at least that’s all I got) to lure new mothers-to-be to register at their store.

Big mistake. HUGE mistake. (thanks, Pretty Woman!)

The place was a madhouse. It made Target look like a deserted ghost town. I had to wait like 30-40 minutes just to get a scanner and then make my way through the zillions of other anxious/excited-to-register ladies. Ugh.

Never one to admit defeat, though, I fought through and succeeded in my mission.

Back in my car 90 minutes and one headache later, I decided it was definitely a Baskin Robbins type of afternoon. A treat of my favorite ice cream, Peanut Butter ‘n Chocolate, was definitely in order to make everything all better.


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