Friday, March 26, 2010

I turned 60 overnight

So I’ve figured out my next challenge. I’ve decided it’s fine time to teach myself how to crochet.

I don’t personally know anyone that crochets that doesn’t also qualify for AARP benefits, but hey…I’m sure they’re out there somewhere, right?

What sparked this interest was seeing an adorable, homemade crocheted baby blanket and hat on I love that website, by the way. I was close to pulling the trigger on purchasing them when I thought, “Wait a second…maybe…just maybe…I could make our baby his own homemade blanket!”

And thus begins a new challenge.

And since you all know once I get an idea in my head, I have to act upon it IMMEDIATELY, I went to Joann Fabrics straight from work that day and picked up my supplies:

*Picture courtesy of Eric…thanks!

Eric is all too familiar with ideas that pop into my head and must be acted upon now. Not in 15 minutes…but NOW!!! As if the house may burn down if we don’t immediately clean out that coat closet that is overflowing that I just happened to walk by and notice.

Anyway, after the first few frustrating attempts of practically tangling myself up in yarn with no crochet stitches in sight, I think I may be making some progress. I’m aiming first for a successful small washcloth before I attempt the big daddy project of the baby blanket. I still have quite a way to go, but I have at least the bottom inch or more completed and you can actually tell it’s going to turn out to be something. What yet is still to be determined…but it’ll be something alright. Stay tuned for pics!


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A Baskin Robbins kind of day

Because of my uncontrollable urge to constantly be planning something, I’ve already finished registering for my baby shower in May. I think I demonstrated admirable restraint, though…I waited TWO WHOLE DAYS after finding out the sex before hightailing it to the stores!

I made one fatal flaw, though.

My desire to register quickly resulted in me inadvertantly going on a Saturday. First problem with this is that Saturdays are when everyone and their mother shops. Bad, Anne.

First stop was Target. It was a ZOO. Oh, and I know sometimes children are very wild and crazy at times and have their unpredictable “off” days, but I’m sorry…I will NEVER, EVER let my children run rampant through the aisles of a store without supervision while they yell and scream. Who allows that?!? Whoever they are, they need to stop reproducing ASAP. ;)

Needless to say, my trusty scan gun and I got down to business and got the heck out of dodge as quickly as I could. One store down, one to go.

Next on my agenda was Babies R Us. If I thought Target was bad, I had another thing coming.

Upon pulling up to Babies R Us, I noticed their parking lot was completely packed. This should’ve tipped me off and I should’ve turned right around.

Should’ve being the key word.

I was already there and figured what the hell. Well, what the hell was right. Turns out I picked possibly the worst day to register. Apparently, Babies R Us was having their “Annual Baby Shower” event in which they give away two small samples (at least that’s all I got) to lure new mothers-to-be to register at their store.

Big mistake. HUGE mistake. (thanks, Pretty Woman!)

The place was a madhouse. It made Target look like a deserted ghost town. I had to wait like 30-40 minutes just to get a scanner and then make my way through the zillions of other anxious/excited-to-register ladies. Ugh.

Never one to admit defeat, though, I fought through and succeeded in my mission.

Back in my car 90 minutes and one headache later, I decided it was definitely a Baskin Robbins type of afternoon. A treat of my favorite ice cream, Peanut Butter ‘n Chocolate, was definitely in order to make everything all better.


Thursday, March 18, 2010

In the great words of Carrie Bradshaw, “Hello…lover.”

Blame it on the hormones or my inability to deny a 20% off coupon. Or if I wasn’t pregnant, I’d try to “blame it on the ‘tron” ala Jamie Fox style. Regardless of where the blame is placed, I finally did THE DEED.

I am no longer a virgin. Sorry, Mom and Dad. Although, I think you already knew that with Sebastian on the way. ;)

What I mean is that I’m no longer a Coach virgin.

Yep, that’s right. I finally broke down and I decided to treat myself to the gold standard of handbags (and all sorts of other accoutrements).

Fear not; I would have made bargain hunters around the globe proud. I didn’t just waltz into my nearest Coach retail store and hand over my Visa. No sir-ee bob! I do enough handing over of that puppy as it is…

Instead, I trucked it out to an outlet mall. Between their already discounted prices and a 20% off coupon a fellow Coach loving friend gave me (oh yeah, I should try to blame this on her, too…haha) I am now the new owner of my very first Coach handbag.


Hey - once you get me going, good luck stopping me. I can’t be caught making a fashion faux pas by having a designer handbag with a $10 used and abused wallet straight from Kohl’s clearance section.

*Photo courtesy of Eric...thanks!

And let me tell you...not an ounce of buyer’s remorse. Deducting the hefty sum of cash from my checking account register was a little tough to swallow, but I've recovered from my mini heart attack and I’m extremely pleased. (YES – I am one of about ten people that still religiously uses their register!)

Every time I look at “her”, I mentally say to myself, “Hello…lover.” Okay, let’s be honest, sometimes I say it out loud, too. She’s a beauty and the leather is ridiculously soft. Definitely worth it. I fear I may be addicted. Uh oh. But I’m not too worried. Once the cost of a child sets in, I’ll snap right out of that addiction.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010


This is what happens when someone tries to talk to me while I’m making my morning oatmeal. I clearly CANNOT complete two seemingly easy tasks at once.

RIP styrofoam bowl.


Monday, March 15, 2010

Out Numbered

We finally found out…we will be welcoming a son into our family this summer!! Eric and I are both very, very excited and can’t wait to meet the little guy. Hurry up, July, and get here already!  P.S. - I totally need to buy this:

Anyway, because someone I know was told she was having a boy when it turned out later to be a girl, the conversation with the ultrasound tech went a little something like this:

UT: “Are you interested in finding out the gender?”

Anne: “Yes.”

UT: (few minutes after getting me lubed up and getting the first few shots) “Oh, I can see the gender…”

Anne: (after a awkward pause) “….AND????”

UT: “It’s a boy.”

Anne: (after my excitement settled down and I recall previous gender mixup story) “So on a scale of one to ten, just how sure are you that it’s a boy?”

UT: “9.75. They tell us we can never say 100%. Here, let me show you.”

(UT proceeds to “show” Eric and I what was supposed to be his man parts, but I’m sorry – ultrasounds are all gray and fuzzy. I couldn’t see anything that I was supposed to be seeing, but didn’t feel like admitting it to her.)

UT: “Do you see?”

Anne: “Oh, okay.” (Yeah, whatever…she’s the pro…I’ll take her word on it.)


Friday, March 5, 2010

Not like other people

When most people start to feel a little under the weather, they either notice a reduction in their eating or head towards food like soup, crackers, broth, etc.

I’m not like other people.

My appetite never fails me. NEVER. In fact, I seem to crave additional food when I feel under the weather, usually in the form of comfort foods. And in my world that typically means sweets. Mmmm...

As such, tonight I’ll be getting my bake on. Feast your eyes on these lovelies:
These Reese’s peanut butter cup cookies are going to kick my cold’s ass.

Before we know it, the twinkle will be back in my eye (along with a few extra pounds that I won’t be able to blame on the baby). Trusty exercise bike: get ready for me!

For the baby’s sake, I sure hope he/she doesn’t get my sweet tooth. UGH.
