Friday, September 11, 2009

Safety glasses required

Nothing kicks off a Friday morning like jamming to some old school ‘NSync on the way to work. Oh yeah! And because blaring the classic tunes of Pop and Bye, Bye, Bye at ear piercing levels wasn’t enough, I added car dancing into the mix. I can only imagine what I must look like. Wait, what am I saying?!? I'm sure I looked awesome!!! Arms flailing and head bopping, I’m surprised my sweet moves didn’t cause a collision. Speaking of which, I better tame down my slick moves. I would hate to get arrested for being so sweet that I cause a distraction. (In all actuality, I’m more surprised that my uncoordinated ass doesn’t somehow manage to poke out my own eye…) Good times. Oh, and check out JT’s interesting apparel choice…ohhh, back in the days before all this Viking nonsense happened.

In other news, it’s that time of the month again. No, not THAT. Sickos. It’s the Blood Center of Wisconsin’s blood drive in our office building. Despite almost fainting on multiple occasions, I’m still a loyal giver. But as I walked past their entourage of gurneys, needles, and blood thirsty nurses this morning, I had to wonder:

Is it bad that 60% of the reason I donate is for the altruistic gesture of giving to others in need while the other 40% is because I salivate when thinking of the post-donation scrumptious chocolate chip muffins, soda, and other random goodies I will be given to bring my sugar levels back up to normal?

Nah. I’m 60% good! We’re a democratic society, right? Majority rules and non-donators drool.

And why do 80% of my postings revolve around food? Huh.

I went out last night for some good friends’ birthday. Yes, I said friends (plural) – they’re twins. And NO they will not have a twin sandwich with you nor have they tried to do the old switcheroo with one another ala Parent Trap style. Knowing them for as long as I have, even I am getting tired of hearing them field these questions. HA! Anyway, one thing I realized last night is that although I might be 30 years old now and not happy about it, I will always be younger than my friends. Suckers! Those dirty dogs gave me hell the first 21 years of my life for always being the runt of the litter. Now what’s up. I’ve finally got the upper hand. :) Other lesson? Sombreros are nothing but trouble.

Peace out for now, homies.


1 comment:

  1. I get hit up RELIGIOUSLY to donate blood every 8 weeks... FYI; the phelbotomists do NOT like being called "Vampires". Even in jest.
