Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Party on, Wayne.

Every holiday season, all of my close girlfriends and I have an annual Christmas party where we all get together, eat and drink too much, and exchange gifts.

We’ve been doing this for several years now and each year we have an absolute blast!

...minus that one year where I had too much fun with red wine and….you can imagine what happened next all over my light beige winter coat.

RIP beige winter coat.

Rest assured, no coats were harmed in this year’s festivities. I did; however, learn some valuable lessons:

1. Cranking up the heat too high on a chocolate fondue warmer will never end well…will usually result in smoke and burning chocolate.

2. Socializing for too long while opening gifts may result in others not waiting their turn before opening their gifts. We had two creepers this year that had to be stopped before opening out of turn! The nerve. ;)

3. Accidentally “competing” with another girlfriend in the dessert category will result in her threatening her sister’s life if she eats my dessert over hers. HA!

4. Drinks mixed with a fast-moving game of Catch Phrase will always result in a full beer being spilled on new carpet.

5. Drinking mixed with a fast-moving game of Catch Phrase will also result in select team members thinking it is okay to give a clue for “Jeepers Creepers” as “It rhymes with eepers eepers!” Really?!? NOT okay. :)

Happy Holidays to all!


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