Monday, December 21, 2009

Anne Stefl, Artist Extraordinaire

As the holiday season continues on, Eric and I hit up Christmas Gathering #4 this past Saturday. It was at a friend’s house and part of the festivities later in the evening involved game of Cranium. Mind you, the one and only other time I played this game was a few years back and at the time, I thought it was awful - boring and just plain dumb. Maybe I just sucked at it, though? I never considered that option before. Huh.

Naturally, when it was busted out on Saturday, I was hoping I just had a bad past experience and this time would be better. And it was!

And while I royally suck at Pictionary, I seemed to have the Gods of drawing looking down on me because I dominated the sketching challenges! I was like a modern day freaking Van Gogh. Okay, that’s probably taking it too far.

Anyway, usually my drawing resembles something a 4 year old would muster up, but for some oddball reason, my drawings actually looked at least like a 10 year old’s and miraculously got the job done. AND THAT’S NOT ALL, FOLKS! I apparently have also discovered an unknown talent of drawing with my eyes closed as the “Sensosketch” challenges required.

And for me, apparently all it takes is one good experience with a game before it finds itself as a last minute add to my Christmas list. Score! :)

Speaking of Christmas lists, for Wii owners and lovers out there – the Wii Resort Sports game should be a must-have on your Christmas list this year! It has a ton of island-themed sports, such as:

Table Tennis
Sword fighting - WTF?!? Not sure who actually sword fights while on an island vacation…hmmm...

There are about eight other sports on the game as well that I’m completely forgetting at the moment.

Although an interesting choice of resort games, it’s especially fun to watch the sword fighting game. It’s probably even more fun to play, but I wasn’t in the mood to leave my comfy spot on the couch, so I relegated to just watching. Oh, and a certain select friend of ours really gets into it... We’re talking flailing arms that even the most agile of people would have a hard time dodging.


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