Thursday, December 3, 2009

It’s a Chrismukkah Miracle!

Every year before Christmas rolls around, I always swear I’m going to be more organized and on top of things in terms of shopping for gifts. And year after year, it never seems to happen. I always have good intentions, but things seem to come up and before you know it, it’s the week of Christmas. Well, no more, folks!

That’s right – you heard it here first – I’m 95% complete with my shopping!! WOO HOO!!

I just have a few little things to pick up (which I even already know what they are – just need to make it to the store) and then I’ll be done. It’s a miracle!

And I’m super excited to give Eric his gift/s, too. I think he’s going to love it/them. Sorry, I have to use single and plural so he has ZERO clue and can’t try to guess!

Speaking of gifts…is it just me, or is there always a bit of apprehension present (ha…pun totally intended!) when opening presents on Christmas morning???

Don’t get my wrong…I LOVE gifts (I’m a woman, afterall!), but I’m also pretty certain we’ve all been there…opening up what looks to be an awesome gift given the nicely wrapped box just to find it’s contents are less than desirable. Ugh.

And because I never want to hurt anyone’s feelings, I always give my best Oscar-worthy performance and exclaim how much I love whatever it is that I can’t understand why in the world someone would give me.

I know I’m partially enabling these oddball gifts by not saying anything, and letting whomever continue to think I like receiving gifts such as a leopard print purse or Christmas themed thongs, but oh well. It’s about being together and the holiday spirit, right?

That’s what I keep telling myself, at least. ;)


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