Friday, July 3, 2009

I’m baaaaaaaack…and I’m MARRIED!!!

I know, I know…I’m a huge slacker and haven’t posted anything for WAY too long, but I think I had a pretty good excuse, right?!?

All in all, our wedding day went wonderfully. You always hear of these major catastrophes on TV and in movies, but I’m pleased to say that despite a few small obstacles, all turned out fantastically. Oh, wait…what is that you say? You want to hear more about those obstacles? Okay, fine – you twisted my arm.

Many of you likely don’t remember, but the Thursday and Friday prior to our wedding felt like we were in a real life version of the movie “Storm of the Century”. The weather was just awful. Thunder, and lightning, and rain, oh my! I was trying my best to stay positive and come to terms with the fact that even me and my type A personality and massive control issues couldn’t change the weather (unfortunately…). HA! We were scheduled to have outdoor pictures with our photographer after the ceremony and inclement weather would most certainly nix those plans. As luck would have it, though, the day was absolutely perfect and any worries I had washed away with the previous night’s storm. I woke up, sprang out of bed, and immediately shot over to our bedroom window and peeked out the blinds. Sunny and not a cloud in the sky! Can I get an AMEN! Phew. Potential Obstacle #1 = averted!

Shortly after seeing the great day we were blessed with, Potential Obstacle #2 reared its ugly head. Our guest book was missing!!! To give you a bit of explanation, I decided I wanted to do something unique for our guest book. Using our engagement pictures, I placed them into a leather bound book with black cardstock quality pages. The pictures were carefully and painstakingly inserted in such a manner that the guests would write their sentiments and signatures all around the pages of pictures in silver pens (to “POP” off the black card stock…hehe). To put it mildly, I was (and still am!) in love with our guest book. And being the meticulous planner I like to think I am, I thought it would be a great idea to bring the book with us to the rehearsal dinner on Friday night so the wedding party and immediate family could sign the book then since they’d be quite busy the next day. Now fast forward back to the morning of the wedding…the book I cherish so much was missing!!!! Nooooooo!! I immediately went into mini panic mode and made my sister, Adria, come with me to search my car and our house. Nothing. As my Mom, Adria, and Eric all stood by me wondering what they could do to help as they saw the sadness in my face, I started to cry. :) And as everyone was telling me it would be okay, I then blurted out through my tears, “But what will the guest sign???” HA!! It was at this point that the three of them – those individuals that are supposed to make sure I stay calm and relaxed this morning – started laughing at the sheer ridiculousness of my comment. Awesome, guys, just awesome. Jerk faces. :) At which point I think I said, “You guys, don’t laugh at me!” and then started to chuckle myself. I mean, really…what WOULD the guests sign?!!? Hahaha! Thankfully, Eric’s mom Denise was the hero. She called the restaurant we had the rehearsal dinner at and they had the book. Denise went and retrieved it for me and all was well in the world again. Phew. Potential Obstacle #2 = averted!

Next small obstacle was at the salon where I was scheduled to have my hair and makeup done. Upon exciting my car, my maid of honor rushed out to say, “You’re not going to be happy to hear this…” (uh oh) “…but the salon’s air conditioning system is broke.” It was about 80 degrees already at this point. Yikes! All I’m thinking in my head was, Great…my hair will fall down and lose its curl and I’ll sweat off all my makeup before I even leave the joint! :) Luckily, my bridesmaids kicked into action and one strong mimosa later (or should I say one 20 ounce cup of champagne with a dribble of OJ), I was chillaxin. Hey, don’t judge. Eric was having bloody marys with his g-men, so what’s good for the goose is good for the gander, right!? :) I got used to the warmer “climate” in the salon and all turned out well. Phew. Potential Obstacle #3 = averted!

This next obstacle I didn’t find out about until after the ceremony, which is probably a good thing. :) As I mentioned above, all of the groomsmen and ushers went out for a few bloody marys the morning of the wedding. From the bar, all of the guys headed down to the Hilton where our rented bus was supposed to pick them up and bring them to the church. Well, in the midst of all the fun and festivities, one of the groomsmen forgot his tux at home. Like Scobby Doo would say, ruh roh! Although he ended up missing the bus and had to drive himself to the church, he was able to run home and gather his tux in time. Silly rabbit, trix are for kids! Phew. Potential Obstacle #4 = averted!

More to come on our adventurous honeymoon in another posting. Ta ta for now!


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