Friday, June 5, 2009

Close encounters of the third kind

Okay, not really the third kind, but more like the odd kind. Or maybe he was an alien…oy! That would sure explain a lot. Let me back up. I came home from running some errands the other day and upon entering the house, Eric asked if I wanted to go shopping with him. As you know - either from just knowing me or from reading a previous posting - I LOVE shopping of pretty much any kind. Well, Eric…not so much. He doesn’t dislike shopping - he’s just more indifferent like most guys are. He’ll do it if he needs/has to, but not much else. So anytime he asks me to go shopping, I’m usually shocked and pretty much jump on the opportunity without asking many questions. And why wouldn’t I? It’s the chance to enjoy my favorite activity with my favorite person. Awh…ha!

Off we go. We hop in the car and make our first stop…this is where the oddest encounter I’ve had in some time took place. Upon entering “the store”, I immediately notice a little infant, about two years old just scampering around with what appears to be minimal, if any, supervision. If I could explain the type of store it is, you would understand why an unsupervised child would be bad – well, it’s always bad, but this store is even worse! Sorry for being so cryptic about the store, but it was one that involves the groomsmen gifts for our wedding and some of them may be reading this. Anyway, THEN…we see emerging from the back of the store what appears to be the most “Francis Buxton”-esque person I have ever met in real life. For those of you that may not remember, Francis was Peewee Herman’s nemesis is “Peewee’s Big Adventure”. Remember the “bigger-boned” white, adult man-child that pined over Pee-wee’s beloved bike?!?! Yeah…you know you remember him!! Don’t fight it. Most of you reading this were children of the 80’s as well. :) Anyway, “Francis” approached from the back with a blank stare on his face, but before even acknowledging us, someone else from the back started screaming loudly at him. You think Francis would just ignore it? Heck no! He screams back and the cycle repeated itself again. Just like a bunch of 6 year olds. Awesome! The whole time I’m thinking, “Is this really happening?!?” OH! I forgot to mention…there were two creepy looking dudes also in the store near the front. Both were elbow deep in a to-go box of chicken wings. Totally not the time or place! Ewww….weird! After the shouting match ended, “Francis” asked if we needed assistance, but I’m not sure why he bothered. After making some completely ludicrous suggestions on what to purchase, we quickly realized “Francis” had no clue what the hell he was talking about and we left. Don’t worry, I caught another glimpse of the creepy dudes and their wings on the way out...grrrreat! Now what really makes him Francis-esque is what happened the next day. I’m minding my P’s and Q’s as I drive to meet our wedding florist. I happen to casually glance over to the left and who do I randomly see on the street???? FRANCIS….ON A BIKE!!! And not just any old bike. No sir/ma’am, he was not sporting an old-school ten speed or even a mountain bike. He had a total Peewee Herman style bike!! The ONLY difference was that is was black and not red. I literally laughed out loud!! :) Different strokes for different folks, I suppose. Love it!

In other events that brought a smile to my face recently…I was shopping at Pick N’ Save last week with my sister (within her short-lived 3 days here!). As Adria was pushing the cart oblivious of her surroundings, I suddenly spotted something. OMG, could it be?!?!?!? HARD COLD CASH on the aisle floor! Of course, my natural instinct kicks in and I find myself forcing Adria to stop the cart AND (don’t judge me…) I actually pushed the cart back towards her direction because at that moment she finally saw what was on the floor. Damn if I’m about to let her grab what my eyes rightfully found first!! :) I scrambled to pick up the wad of rolled up cash. Seconds later, as Adria is literally trying to open my tightly clenched fist, she makes me promise to go halfsies with her on however much it is. I ended up agreeing because I figured this was my way of “paying it forward” from when Eric gave me his cash findings (see previous post). :) It was $2!! Score! I’m on a roll lately with finding cash. Oh, a couple in the grocery store totally saw the whole scene play out – I’m sure they especially loved the part when Adria was trying to pry my fist open and I was squirming around to get away from her. HA!

On an unrelated note, the Pushup Challenge is still in full force! I just completed Week 4 and I’m up to 22 consecutive pushups. I know – it doesn’t sound like too much, but that’s after doing 60 other pushups (broken down into 4 sets). So…I suppose 82 pushups isn’t nothin’ to frown about. :)


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