Monday, June 8, 2009

Bachelorette party debauchery

O…M…G!! I had so much fun this past Saturday at my bachelorette party!! So much so, that I think I’m still recovering from all the festivities. :) When people say that it’s your “last chance” to go out and get wild before becoming all domesticated and whatnot…wow – my friends, family, and I really took that to heart. The wild part, that is. HA! Thinking back to the night, I’ve created a David Letterman-style “Top 10 Most Memorable Events of the Night” list to give you a rough idea of the debauchery that took place:

10. Our 27” tall inflatable “Little Johnny”. Hey - little people need love, too.

9. LOTS of ass slapping. And hard ones, too!

8. Getting splashed in the face by our picnic-style lemonade dispenser that was filled to the brim with jager bombs – I think the splashing happened after the 3rd consecutive shot in less then 10 minutes. Yowza!

7. My pink cowboy hat with four penises dangling from it that would literally hit me in the face anytime I moved.

6. Hitting each other with inflatable plastic penis swords.

5. One of the bridesmaids losing her cellphone somewhere along the way.

4. Spilling half of a bottle of beer down my shirt because I couldn’t get used to drinking through my penis straw and still kept tipping my beer back to drink it.

3. Bridesmaid locking herself out of her house with no pants on. Enough said.

2. Waking up on the couch to Eric telling me to come back to bed (with no recollection of why or when I moved from the bed to the couch).

1. Bridesmaid falling down a flight of stairs and her being told, “Time to go home!” HA!

I’m sure my parents couldn’t be more proud of me at the moment. haha!! It was all in good fun, though, and no permanent damage was done – that we know of. :)


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