Friday, June 12, 2009

The good 'ol days

I can hardly believe it - the final days leading up to our wedding are finally upon us. I’m so ridiculously excited I can barely stand it!!! Looking back through the last few years, I can’t believe what a whirlwind it’s been. The cliché holds true - to say that time flies would be an understatement…

I can clearly remember back to my days of crushing on this hot guy at work. :) Hey, I’m not gonna lie…for a while there I actually looked forward to waking up and going to work. I remember thinking, “Can someone slice me off a piece of that guy?!?!” HA! I also remember getting really sick on our first official date out to dinner and him thinking (and joking to me) that if this was my way of just wanting to go home because things weren’t working out, that was okay. :) Umm, no! I really am just sick! I was so adamant that whatever tricks my stomach was playing on me, I wasn’t about let it win. I also remember all the little things you take for granted in a relationship at the time, like finding out all this great, new information about each other and experiencing all sorts of “firsts” together. Those will forever be memories I cherish. And now, I get the best gift ever. I get to marry my best friend and spend the rest of our lives together experiencing even more “firsts” together. I just hope those firsts don’t include me tripping down the aisle or flubbing my lines during the ceremony. Ha! (Yeah…I was getting a bit sappy there and needed to get back to the lighter side of making fun of myself, per usual.)

I’m also trying to soak in the entire wedding planning process. While many people don’t enjoy planning at all, let alone a wedding, I love(d) it! I’m not stressed at all and at this point, have virtually everything done. I’m typically not a last minute type of gal, so I’ve been pretty much done for a bit now. And while I’m glad to have everything done and can smooth sail straight to the Big Day, I also find myself having a tinge of sadness because the process is almost over. As much as I can’t wait to marry Eric, I’ve really enjoyed planning this once in a lifetime event and like any good party, I don’t want it to end! But at least I have an even bigger party to look forward to and that, my friends, brings a smile to my face. :)

Oh – to update…I did not, in fact, receive a buzz cut by the hair stylist at my second trial hair appointment. Crisis adverted. Phew! She actually was much more personable this time around and did not rat's nest me again. I did, however, keep one eye on her scissors at all times. "I got my eye on you, Butchy Yost!"

Now it’s time for the “Most ridiculous thing I’ve heard today” portion of the show. As I’m getting ready for work this morning and listening to the news in the background, I heard a ludicrous story. The reporter was saying how the 911 folks were expecting to get calls later today from idiots, I mean individuals, regarding the DTV conversion this afternoon. Really??? People would actually call 911 – meant for life or death emergencies – to complain about no television service?!? Speechless. Simply speechless. The report went on to say that the 911 operators have already been “warned” of such calls and are being asked to be respectful and remind the callers that 911 is for true emergencies only. Sheesh! I give the operators mad props – I like to think I’m a pretty nice person, but I’m pretty sure even I would have some choice words for those callers. :)


Monday, June 8, 2009

Bachelorette party debauchery

O…M…G!! I had so much fun this past Saturday at my bachelorette party!! So much so, that I think I’m still recovering from all the festivities. :) When people say that it’s your “last chance” to go out and get wild before becoming all domesticated and whatnot…wow – my friends, family, and I really took that to heart. The wild part, that is. HA! Thinking back to the night, I’ve created a David Letterman-style “Top 10 Most Memorable Events of the Night” list to give you a rough idea of the debauchery that took place:

10. Our 27” tall inflatable “Little Johnny”. Hey - little people need love, too.

9. LOTS of ass slapping. And hard ones, too!

8. Getting splashed in the face by our picnic-style lemonade dispenser that was filled to the brim with jager bombs – I think the splashing happened after the 3rd consecutive shot in less then 10 minutes. Yowza!

7. My pink cowboy hat with four penises dangling from it that would literally hit me in the face anytime I moved.

6. Hitting each other with inflatable plastic penis swords.

5. One of the bridesmaids losing her cellphone somewhere along the way.

4. Spilling half of a bottle of beer down my shirt because I couldn’t get used to drinking through my penis straw and still kept tipping my beer back to drink it.

3. Bridesmaid locking herself out of her house with no pants on. Enough said.

2. Waking up on the couch to Eric telling me to come back to bed (with no recollection of why or when I moved from the bed to the couch).

1. Bridesmaid falling down a flight of stairs and her being told, “Time to go home!” HA!

I’m sure my parents couldn’t be more proud of me at the moment. haha!! It was all in good fun, though, and no permanent damage was done – that we know of. :)


Friday, June 5, 2009

Close encounters of the third kind

Okay, not really the third kind, but more like the odd kind. Or maybe he was an alien…oy! That would sure explain a lot. Let me back up. I came home from running some errands the other day and upon entering the house, Eric asked if I wanted to go shopping with him. As you know - either from just knowing me or from reading a previous posting - I LOVE shopping of pretty much any kind. Well, Eric…not so much. He doesn’t dislike shopping - he’s just more indifferent like most guys are. He’ll do it if he needs/has to, but not much else. So anytime he asks me to go shopping, I’m usually shocked and pretty much jump on the opportunity without asking many questions. And why wouldn’t I? It’s the chance to enjoy my favorite activity with my favorite person. Awh…ha!

Off we go. We hop in the car and make our first stop…this is where the oddest encounter I’ve had in some time took place. Upon entering “the store”, I immediately notice a little infant, about two years old just scampering around with what appears to be minimal, if any, supervision. If I could explain the type of store it is, you would understand why an unsupervised child would be bad – well, it’s always bad, but this store is even worse! Sorry for being so cryptic about the store, but it was one that involves the groomsmen gifts for our wedding and some of them may be reading this. Anyway, THEN…we see emerging from the back of the store what appears to be the most “Francis Buxton”-esque person I have ever met in real life. For those of you that may not remember, Francis was Peewee Herman’s nemesis is “Peewee’s Big Adventure”. Remember the “bigger-boned” white, adult man-child that pined over Pee-wee’s beloved bike?!?! Yeah…you know you remember him!! Don’t fight it. Most of you reading this were children of the 80’s as well. :) Anyway, “Francis” approached from the back with a blank stare on his face, but before even acknowledging us, someone else from the back started screaming loudly at him. You think Francis would just ignore it? Heck no! He screams back and the cycle repeated itself again. Just like a bunch of 6 year olds. Awesome! The whole time I’m thinking, “Is this really happening?!?” OH! I forgot to mention…there were two creepy looking dudes also in the store near the front. Both were elbow deep in a to-go box of chicken wings. Totally not the time or place! Ewww….weird! After the shouting match ended, “Francis” asked if we needed assistance, but I’m not sure why he bothered. After making some completely ludicrous suggestions on what to purchase, we quickly realized “Francis” had no clue what the hell he was talking about and we left. Don’t worry, I caught another glimpse of the creepy dudes and their wings on the way out...grrrreat! Now what really makes him Francis-esque is what happened the next day. I’m minding my P’s and Q’s as I drive to meet our wedding florist. I happen to casually glance over to the left and who do I randomly see on the street???? FRANCIS….ON A BIKE!!! And not just any old bike. No sir/ma’am, he was not sporting an old-school ten speed or even a mountain bike. He had a total Peewee Herman style bike!! The ONLY difference was that is was black and not red. I literally laughed out loud!! :) Different strokes for different folks, I suppose. Love it!

In other events that brought a smile to my face recently…I was shopping at Pick N’ Save last week with my sister (within her short-lived 3 days here!). As Adria was pushing the cart oblivious of her surroundings, I suddenly spotted something. OMG, could it be?!?!?!? HARD COLD CASH on the aisle floor! Of course, my natural instinct kicks in and I find myself forcing Adria to stop the cart AND (don’t judge me…) I actually pushed the cart back towards her direction because at that moment she finally saw what was on the floor. Damn if I’m about to let her grab what my eyes rightfully found first!! :) I scrambled to pick up the wad of rolled up cash. Seconds later, as Adria is literally trying to open my tightly clenched fist, she makes me promise to go halfsies with her on however much it is. I ended up agreeing because I figured this was my way of “paying it forward” from when Eric gave me his cash findings (see previous post). :) It was $2!! Score! I’m on a roll lately with finding cash. Oh, a couple in the grocery store totally saw the whole scene play out – I’m sure they especially loved the part when Adria was trying to pry my fist open and I was squirming around to get away from her. HA!

On an unrelated note, the Pushup Challenge is still in full force! I just completed Week 4 and I’m up to 22 consecutive pushups. I know – it doesn’t sound like too much, but that’s after doing 60 other pushups (broken down into 4 sets). So…I suppose 82 pushups isn’t nothin’ to frown about. :)


Monday, June 1, 2009

Rat's nest, anyone?

Wow - this last week and a half just flew by!! The mad craziness kicked off with a long weekend out of state for my sister’s graduation over Memorial Day weekend. Speaking of which, I really need to send her Principal and School Board a few thank you cards and some bottles of booze for letting her squeak through. Phew! It was touch and go for a bit there. I’m pretty sure she probably drove them to drink heavily on many occasions. :) I soooo wanted to scream “Hallulejah, can I get an AMEN!” when they called her name to walk across the stage. Unfortunately, I chickened out. Damn, it would’ve been funny….for me, at least. And I’m certain Eric would’ve got a kick out it, too. Anyway, the weekend wrapped up with Adria moving to WI with us and subsequently moving back to Michigan three days later (don’t ask…sore subject still). Kids these days! That makes me sound about 60. Sweet.

As for this past weekend, it was filled with helping a friend unpack/organize and paint her new house. It reminded me of all the good memories from when Eric and I bought our house. I can’t believe it was over three years ago already!! How times flies. I remember all too well the excitement of your very first home, but also the seemingly never ending to-do list. After helping on Friday and Saturday, I was inspired to do a little updating and painting of my own in our second bathroom yesterday. Oddly enough…the paint I used was from a previous mistake (see previous post about ALWAYS picking out the wrong paint colors!). I feel a little bit better now that one of my mistakes from 3 years ago finally got used for a different room. The color isn’t exactly perfect, but I’ve given up on that dream. :)

Now…on to the rat’s nest. Ugh. I went for my trial bridal hair appointment Saturday morning. Let me just say - nightmare city!! I knew the whole time when the chick was ‘back-combing’ (aka ratting!) my otherwise smoothly curled hair, things were probably going awry. But I like to be optimistic and as such, I thought maybe she knew something I didn’t. This is her job and I should just trust her, right?!? Wrong. Dead wrong. I think my false sense of security came from the three photographs I brought with me depicting the style I wanted. Should have been sufficient I thought…negative. Oh and the whole time she was up in my grill, I was positioned AWAY from the mirror, so I didn’t even have the chance to stop the train wreck that was my ‘do. Needless to say, 9365 bobby pins later, she whirled me around and I almost gasped aloud. Yowza! All of my aforementioned smooth curls were ratted and piled randomly on the top of my melon and it was HIGH. No joke - I was giving Marge Simpson’s huge ‘do a run for her money. The hair chick was like, “Oh, would you like me to pin it down a bit?” Ummm, ya think?!?!? She did, but at that point, the damage was done. And then came the evitable question: “What do you think? Do you like it?” Yeah….I’m a big baby and hate making people feel bad so I chickened out and managed a barely audible “yeah”. Ha! I did not look ANYTHING like the pictures I brought in. Oh, and to boot, my veil fell out immediately after leaving the salon. Nice…real nice. Tragedy at its best. Luckily, I managed to call this morning to express my concerns and I have a second trial appointment set up for next week. I must say, though, I’m a tad nervous. The chick now knows I was not pleased and she’s within close proximity to many a pair of scissors. I hope she doesn’t get all nuts on me and buzz cut me or something. :)
