Thursday, May 21, 2009

What are the chances

...I could be allergic to my engagement ring??? Say it ain’t so! This requires a bit of explaining. :)

Over the last year or so, every now and then I get these little bumps on the inside of my ring finger for a few days and then after they are done being a nuisance, they make a speedy departure. No major harm done and I’ve even coined the finger my “lizard finger” (aka Lizzy). Don’t ask. :) Anyway, I got to thinking about how it would be a pain in the butt to have ‘Lizzy’ make a surprise visit around the wedding so I bit the bullet and made a doctor appointment.

If I may digress for a moment…this was the speediest doctor appointment I’ve EVER been to! I literally had just got done giving the somewhat annoyed looking receptionist my insurance card (sorry for making you do your JOB sweetheart!) and before I could even sit in the lobby chairs and settle into the People magazine I was eyeing up since the moment I walked through the front doors, I was called by the nurse to follow her. After getting to the examination room, I was thinking, “Shoot! I should’ve snagged that People magazine before leaving the lobby because I’m sure I’ll be in here waiting for a while.” Seconds later, the doctor arrived! I was amazed. Less than five minute through the front door and I’m already face to face with the doctor. Nice!

To sum up the diagnosis, I have a mild form of eczema on my finger. Turns out it’s heredity…so yet again I find myself cursing my family. HA! It’s no big deal, though; a little cream and we’re good to go. The interesting part, though, is that the doctor said eczema sometimes creates an allergy to nickel which is likely within my 18K white gold engagement band. Ruh roh! Scooby doesn’t like that. The doc and I both got a good chuckle out of the fact that I might need to be upgraded (Beyonce style - ”lemme upgrade you…”) to a platinum band. :) As much as platinum is awesome and all, I’m actually hoping I don’t need to upgrade. Weird, I know. I like my engagement ring and the new wedding band I’ll soon be getting and I don’t want to give them up! Hopefully the doc was just in cahoots with Jared and made up the nickel allergy part. Ha!

On another funny note, the prescription was called into my local Walgreen’s pharmacy. And let me tell ya - the pharmacist on staff could use a lesson or twelve in discretion. During the standard “do you have any questions about this new prescription” portion of our interaction, she blurts out (with the capitalized words emphasized rather loudly), “Here is your STEROID cream. This should alleviate any REDNESS, ITCHING, and BURNING.” I was like, really??? I’m pretty sure the person behind me in line thought I was a transgender with some sort of funky STD. Good times. HA!

Oh, for the Pushup Challenge – the end of Week 2 resulted in 17 consecutive (non-girl style) pushups. My progress isn’t quite as far as I would’ve hoped, but I’ll take it. On to Week 3!



  1. ha ha Annie's on Roids! THAT'S why the push up contest is going so well! :)

  2. HAHA! Shhhh...keep it on the DL! Soon I'll be entering a body building contest and oiling myself up. My luck, I would fall and slide across the stage. :)
