Friday, May 8, 2009

Hmmm... even as I create this blog, I'm not entirely sure what, in specific, it will be focused on. All I know is that everyone and their mama has a blog these days and I'm not about to be left in the dust. No, sir/ma'am. I have a bad case of what I like to call "my buddy syndrome" and if others have it, I've gotta have it, too! I figure this blog will *probably* be about the wedding, which is right around the corner, and then our journey into married life together and just life in general. Cheesy, yes. But possibly entertaining? I hope. Brace yourselves...this is going to be interesting. Or who knows...maybe it'll be a colossal failure of huge proportions and one day you'll come to the site and "poof!" - it's gone. :)

Oh, and you might be thinking to yourself..."we are the stefls"... hmmm...she's not technically a "Stefl" yet. True. But close enough.

As I mentioned earlier our wedding is right around the corner. Only six weeks from this Saturday! The most asked question (as you can imagine) has always been, "Are you nervous?". Quite honestly, I'm not. I did, however, have a tiny hint of a queasy stomach the other day when I had my first dress fitting. Obviously, I'm not nervous about marrying Eric, but I got a little nervous about the fact that this is going to be one of the biggest and most important days of my life (not to mention the most expensive...) and like every bride, I want it to be perfect. As I stood in my dress in front of the mirror with the seamstress buried somewhere under the million layers of tulle, I felt some butterflies in the good 'ol tummy. Most of the thoughts were based around, "Am I going to get something on my dress? Am I going to trip down the aisle?" ha! If it's possible, I'll find a way to do it. Actually, I'll probably find a way to do the impossible, too. Oh well - nervous or not...perfect or not...I can't wait for the Big Day to get here!

On a totally unrelated topic...I've somehow been conned into participating in a 100 push-up challenge. What the...?!?! Eric and his convincing self somehow rounded up me and about 20 other suckers to join him in his quest. I'm up to 7 so far - it's Week 1, Day 1. Stay tuned for my progress. If all goes well, I'll have ripped arms by the wedding (the challenge is exactly six weeks long). I see this ending badly...after a few drinks at the reception, I'll likely be asking guests to arm wrestle me. And who can turn down a bride's request on her wedding day. Uh oh. :)


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