Monday, May 11, 2009

Cutting back?!? What's that?

For those that know me well, you know that my number #2 love (with Eric being #1…awh…even I’m gagging right now) is shopping. I could do it every day, all day if I could afford it. No joke. I think some people think they could do it every day, but I’m positive I could. I’m probably one of the most indecisive people I know, so to actually make a purchase takes a great deal of thought and sometimes even requires a second trip to the store to actually pull the proverbial trigger. This is usually then followed by some carefully crafted reason why I HAD to have it and how much I saved with coupons (I love coupons!) and how it would've been a crying shame to not have bought it. This is all done to justify the expense to myself as well as to get it past the firing squad (Eric). :) All of that takes a lot of time and reassures me to the fact that I could indeed shop all day everyday.

With that said, it has pained me to have to cut back on shopping over the past 10 months while we’ve been planning the wedding. Luckily, planning a wedding still allows me to’s just a different type of shopping. Not so much shoes and handbags, but more invitations, table decorations, etc. While I am happy to at least fulfill my shopping habits with something, I definitely look forward to restocking my closet very soon. Eric – if you’re reading this…close your web browser NOW. (Okay guys, keep this on the D.L., but I’ve still managed to squeak in a few shopping trips for shoes….not nearly the quantity or quality I would have liked, but it’ll do for now.) So while all of you are out and about stimulating the economy, please think of me and make an extra purchase in my honor. Ha!

In unrelated news, it’s the final day of Week 1 in the Pushup Challenge. I’m up to 12! Sweetness. Now I’m rewarding myself, Snoop Dogg-style with some gin and juice. Okay, really it’s a vodka tonic. It’s the best I could do with the supplies on hand.


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