Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Modern day MacGyver, I am

As a child, I was fascinated with MacGyver. Who am I kidding? I’m STILL fascinated.

My grandma watched the show incessantly and as such, whenever I visited her over my summer breaks I would always get sucked in as well. After all, the man epitomized genius. He could take a shoe string, bubblegum, and a paper clip and rig up the most amazing contraption to get him out of any scenario imaginable. Brilliant!

Nothing ever stopped that crazy cat.

Today, I would have made MacGyver proud.

For the last few weeks I’ve really been digging hot tea at work. I'm still loyal to my faithful coffee in the mornings, but I’m flirting with tea to break up the boring afternoon bottled water monotony. Bueller…Bueller…

Anyway, select brands of tea don’t have strings attached to the bags to easily dip them into the hot water. (Side note: what weenie made that decision??) Usually, that means I burn my fingers reaching into the cup of hot water after I’ve let it float around in the water for a bit. Other times I’ll use a plastic spoon to retrieve it, but who wants to waste a perfectly good spoon just to retrieve a tea bag?

So what’s a girl to do? Make like MacGyver and use what’s readily available at my desk!


As you’ll notice, I’ve used a standard office clip that I’ve clamped to my tea bag. Along with an assist from my trusty ballpoint pen…BAM! I’m good to go.

No big deal. Please call me MacGyver, Jr. from here on out.

Now if only I could use my covert ops/MacGyver skills to devise a way to NOT spill nail polish and hand lotion all over the inside of my purse…in the same weekend. Doh! Not only was it a nice purse, but it was also OPI nail polish! OPI is like the crack of nail polish. It’s expensive and ridiculously addictive.



  1. I see your true inner Genius is coming out, keep up the inventive thinking, ha! :)

  2. I use to watch that show with granny allllllll the time. Lol!
