Friday, May 7, 2010

What NOT to buy me...

...unless, of course, you are totally cool with the practice of re-gifting.

And I apologize in advance for those this may offend, but here goes.

I, Anne Stefl, promise to NEVER, EVER have one of those suction cup “Baby On Board” window hangs. Awful. Just awful.

What a colossal waste of money, not to mention it transforming your car into an instant soccer mom machine. I’m not sure what people are trying to accomplish with those bad boys.  And by bad I mean truly horrendous.

I’ll tell you what they won’t accomplish...

They will not make people care that you have a little one with you. It’s not their child, so why should they care? Do you also put up a “Snack Time” sign after you’ve driven through McDonald’s drive through for a quick indulgence? Over sharing happens enough on social networking forums such as Facebook. Let’s keep it there. ;)

Second, those signs noting your procreation success will NOT cause people to drive any differently. At least it doesn’t for me. If anything, it may cause me to drive worse since I’m so busy rolling my eyes are hardly as I can that I probably lose sight of the road for a second or so!

Okay, okay...I'll get off my soapbox now.  Happy Friday!


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