Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Holy gratitude, Batman!

This past Saturday marked my baby shower. And let me just say…WOW. Our friends and family really outdid themselves. I’m humbled by their generosity.

I hope they retain that quality for life. HA! ;)

Seriously, though, we received so many wonderful gifts. This little baby boy is loved by many. And it's official - he now has a larger wardrobe than both Eric and I put together. What a little stinker. the rate little ones pee through outfits, he’ll need a solid supply unless I want to set up camp next to the washer and dryer.  Umm, no thanks…I’m good. I will single-handedly keep infant clothing manufacturers in business solely to avoid that scenario.

I was totally stoked, too, because someone bought the one gift I registered for that I thought no one would have the guts to actually purchase…breast wipes. Hey, what can I say…I hear I’ll need them for nursing so I figured what the hell. I thought maybe there’d be a brave sole out there. And sure family, in all their crazy glory, did not disappoint.  And I can call them crazy because let's just say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!  I think I, however, was the one most embarrassed when I pulled those bad boys out of the gift bag.  I CLEARLY failed to think through this plan. But really – what party is complete without a little embarrassment? Not any that I attend, that’s for sure. Ahh, good times.

Oh, and for those curious...I’ve now hit the 30 week mark. 70 days to go!


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