Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Backfire of epic proportions

Here we are…a mere two months from my due date and I get this grand idea. Well, in all honesty, it didn’t JUST come to me. I’ve been not-so-subtly hinting to Eric about it for months. And I have finally broken him down. And not a minute too soon since I have a feeling most house projects will come to a grinding halt once Little Buster Brown arrives.

We are finally updating our second bathroom! I’ve dreamt of this day, but thought it would never arrive. Here’s where things started to backfire, though…

Backfire #1: Mistakenly thinking I’d take on a supervisory role in the project due to being seven months pregnant. Not so much.

One might think I’d be on Easy Street for this renovation project.  They’d be wrong. Sitting on the couch eating bonbons = NOT on the agenda. Instead, I’ve been feverishly working to grout the new floor tile and paint the room a fresh pale blue color.

Not to fear for those thinking our baby was floating in an amniotic sac filled with paint fumes. We paid extra to get the low odor/VOC paint. No huffing for mom or baby this time around. Eric never lets us have any fun. ;)

The good news is that I’m just about done with both jobs…just have to do a few touchups and I’ll be able to mark these items off the proverbial checklist. And get this! I think I actually managed to pick out the correct paint color…the FIRST time around. It’s a Christmas miracle. As you all know, this usually isn’t the case. But considering this is the 3rd time I’ve painted this bathroom in the four years of owning our home, I’d say I’m about due. Here’s the color I went with to match the off white and gray tile and the gray granite countertop for the vanity. Here’s to hoping it all goes together like I think it will!

And as much as I get a kick out of people hassling Eric about me doing some of this physical work, I don’t mind helping. In fact, don’t tell Eric but I maybe, sort of, kinda like it. I like to be a part of the transformation and know I had a part in it. Shhh…don’t tell. Granted, having a big ‘ol belly in the mix makes things a bit more interesting and slows me down a bit, but I know my limits and know what I can and can’t do safely and both grouting and painting were A-OK. It’s never too early to instill a strong work ethic in the little guy, right?!

And trust me…Eric’s not sitting on the couch noshing on bonbons either. He’s got the MUCH harder and more physical jobs to do. Most of my work from here on out will consist of shopping for new accessories to match the newly updated bathroom. What’s that…I have to shop? Darn. How will I ever manage???

Backfire #2: Not accounting for the middle of the night trips to the bathroom…all the way on the first floor!

Yep…totally didn’t consider how being pregnant causes me to frequent the bathroom at least once, if not twice per night. Ugh. Usually I can sleepily stumble to the bathroom and get back before I even knew what happened, but now since I have to cross the second floor, go down the staircase, through the kitchen, and down the hallway to make it to the bathroom, I’m forced to wake up a bit more. Mainly because of the stairs involved. Where’s an in-home elevator when you need one?? Hmmm…potential next project, Eric?

Oh well…only about another week before Eric can install the toilet. Phew. My bladder can’t wait!

P.S. – Update on Baby Watch 2010 (like Storm Watch 12…hehe): 63 days to go!



  1. I love it Anne! I, too, had home improvement projects while preggies. Brandon and I pulled up the carpet and refinished my hardwood floors. I was lucky to just spend a couple weeks 5 months pregnant on hands and knees pulling out nails and staples, then filling the holes. Brandon did all the hard work of sanding and staining. (They don't sell that in a low fume formula) Glad to hear you're sharing the joy of getting ready for baby.
    My advice- enjoy the sleepwalking state of going to the bathroom because it only takes a few minutes. I'm now woken up once or twice a night by a hungry baby that takes about 45 minutes each time before I'm back in bed. Don't worry though, it's not bad getting up for a sweet face. Don't tell Brandon, but I kind of like that time because it's just mommy and baby. :)
    We're looking forward to your little guy joining the world and will have to set up some playdates once they're a little more social. Take care of yourself!

  2. i totally think you guys need an elevator.
