Tuesday, April 20, 2010

WANTED: Revenge on my glue gun

Don’t you just love when you have a nice, productive weekend? Too many recent weekends of mine have went a little something like this: would I rather clean and get stuff done around the house…OR…would I rather veg out and maybe shop or putz around on the internet?

I’ll take the later for 500, Alex. (Love you, Jeopardy)

Well, this weekend was a little different...and thank goodness, because even I can only take so much vegging out.

I managed to run a bunch of errands and also worked with Eric’s mom to iron out some of the details for my upcoming baby shower in May. SOOO excited for the shower, by the way! Seriously, I challenge you to find someone that doesn’t love a baby shower. With all the adorable little outfits and accoutrements, it’s a feast for my eyes.

Anyway, in preparing for the shower my mother-in-law and I decided to “assemble” the guest thank you gifts which required the use of a hot glue gun. With both of us armed with our own glue guns, we got down to business. But I kid you not…not even 5 minutes into the project, I was wounded.


I managed to get a huge glob of hot glue directly on the palm of my hand. It was sooo freaking hot that it instantly blistered my skin. Things were not pretty. And I still have the dime sized blister to prove it. And of course it’s in the most unfortunate spot for typing on my laptop. Glue gun = 1, Anne = 0

Alas, the weekend ended on an upswing. I motivated myself to start AND finish painting the nursery. Woohoo! Check that off the to-do list. We (and by we, I mean me) decided to go with a sage green color. Eric and I “talked” about the color to use and I’m fairly certain that he may have wanted to just stick with the previous blue that was already on the walls, but this was one of the situations where I played the “I’m-carrying-your-child-for-nine-months-in-my-body-so-why-don’t-you-go-make-yourself-a-martini-while-I-sip-on-my-KIDDIE COCKTAIL” card and he was defeated. Not much you can say to refute that. The glue gun may have won round one earlier, but I won this one. Sorry, Eric, but someone has to pay. ;) Just joshing…love ya!


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