Friday, March 5, 2010

Not like other people

When most people start to feel a little under the weather, they either notice a reduction in their eating or head towards food like soup, crackers, broth, etc.

I’m not like other people.

My appetite never fails me. NEVER. In fact, I seem to crave additional food when I feel under the weather, usually in the form of comfort foods. And in my world that typically means sweets. Mmmm...

As such, tonight I’ll be getting my bake on. Feast your eyes on these lovelies:
These Reese’s peanut butter cup cookies are going to kick my cold’s ass.

Before we know it, the twinkle will be back in my eye (along with a few extra pounds that I won’t be able to blame on the baby). Trusty exercise bike: get ready for me!

For the baby’s sake, I sure hope he/she doesn’t get my sweet tooth. UGH.


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