Friday, February 19, 2010

Pinch me, I must be dreaming!

In three loooong weeks from now, I have my next doctor appointment where we get to find out the gender of the baby. And if there was any question whether or not we’re find out…we are!!!  Well, assuming the baby cooperates.  He/she better unless they want to be grounded straight out of the womb.  ;)

I give people credit that wait. I can barely wait to find out what my Christmas gifts are, let alone the gender of my child! Plus, we figure there will be PLENTY of other surprises along the way to keep us going “OMG – did you just see/hear/smell that?!”

And when those surprises pop up, I’ll probably look a little something like this: (this is my usual morning hairstyle anyway, so I’m half way there already)

Well, being the planner that I am, I’ve already made a list of some of the essential items we’ll need for the baby. And in making my list that we’ll base the registry off of, I felt confident that I would have to “justify” some of the items to my husband who seems to think certain items are unnecessary.

Trust me, I went through this with him for our bridal registry and let me tell you, it was like pulling teeth to get him to agree to some of the items I added. And what do you know…ALL of the items I fought for get used in our house now. How do ya like them apples, Eric?! ;)

Back to the baby registry…this is where my years of babysitting and helping out with my younger brother and sister would come into play. I’d rattle off a few examples of when certain items would be used and Eric’s head would begin spinning since he’s never babysat a day in his life...and BAM! He’d be defeated. Muahahaha!

Anyway, yesterday, I must’ve caught him at just the right time because when the subject of the baby registry came up, he said I could do ALL of the registering myself if I wanted to.

*Insert record scratch*

Yes, that’s right – I will NOT need to offer up carefully worded justifications for each item as I happily scan away. This has been a good week, indeed. Can’t wait to get my register on!


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