Thursday, November 12, 2009

“Anne’s Plan for Soldier Return”

I know I’m a day late on thanking all of our wonderful and brave veterans...sorry about that, guys and gals! I did think about y’all yesterday, though. Somewhere in between my drowsy state of chugging orange juice and falling asleep on the couch, I gave a shout out to all of you!

I hate being sick. I don’t get sick often – once a year, if that – but when I do, I feel like I’m about to keel over and die. After spending my life savings on over the counter medicine, I hope I’m on the mend.

Enough about me; back to the Veterans.

I can’t even begin to imagine what it must be like to be away from your family, friends, and loved ones for such extended periods of time while serving our country.

With that said, I’m going to do my small part to try to get you all back on American soil…for good!

You ready to hear my plan? (Brace yourselves)

Please see my flowchart below. I like to call this “Anne’s Plan for Soldier Return”:

I just got a 30% off Kohls coupon, too.  Dangerous.  Start packing, soldiers!!!
And yes, I DO know how riduculous I am.  And yes, this plan is ludicrous.  :)

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