Monday, June 1, 2009

Rat's nest, anyone?

Wow - this last week and a half just flew by!! The mad craziness kicked off with a long weekend out of state for my sister’s graduation over Memorial Day weekend. Speaking of which, I really need to send her Principal and School Board a few thank you cards and some bottles of booze for letting her squeak through. Phew! It was touch and go for a bit there. I’m pretty sure she probably drove them to drink heavily on many occasions. :) I soooo wanted to scream “Hallulejah, can I get an AMEN!” when they called her name to walk across the stage. Unfortunately, I chickened out. Damn, it would’ve been funny….for me, at least. And I’m certain Eric would’ve got a kick out it, too. Anyway, the weekend wrapped up with Adria moving to WI with us and subsequently moving back to Michigan three days later (don’t ask…sore subject still). Kids these days! That makes me sound about 60. Sweet.

As for this past weekend, it was filled with helping a friend unpack/organize and paint her new house. It reminded me of all the good memories from when Eric and I bought our house. I can’t believe it was over three years ago already!! How times flies. I remember all too well the excitement of your very first home, but also the seemingly never ending to-do list. After helping on Friday and Saturday, I was inspired to do a little updating and painting of my own in our second bathroom yesterday. Oddly enough…the paint I used was from a previous mistake (see previous post about ALWAYS picking out the wrong paint colors!). I feel a little bit better now that one of my mistakes from 3 years ago finally got used for a different room. The color isn’t exactly perfect, but I’ve given up on that dream. :)

Now…on to the rat’s nest. Ugh. I went for my trial bridal hair appointment Saturday morning. Let me just say - nightmare city!! I knew the whole time when the chick was ‘back-combing’ (aka ratting!) my otherwise smoothly curled hair, things were probably going awry. But I like to be optimistic and as such, I thought maybe she knew something I didn’t. This is her job and I should just trust her, right?!? Wrong. Dead wrong. I think my false sense of security came from the three photographs I brought with me depicting the style I wanted. Should have been sufficient I thought…negative. Oh and the whole time she was up in my grill, I was positioned AWAY from the mirror, so I didn’t even have the chance to stop the train wreck that was my ‘do. Needless to say, 9365 bobby pins later, she whirled me around and I almost gasped aloud. Yowza! All of my aforementioned smooth curls were ratted and piled randomly on the top of my melon and it was HIGH. No joke - I was giving Marge Simpson’s huge ‘do a run for her money. The hair chick was like, “Oh, would you like me to pin it down a bit?” Ummm, ya think?!?!? She did, but at that point, the damage was done. And then came the evitable question: “What do you think? Do you like it?” Yeah….I’m a big baby and hate making people feel bad so I chickened out and managed a barely audible “yeah”. Ha! I did not look ANYTHING like the pictures I brought in. Oh, and to boot, my veil fell out immediately after leaving the salon. Nice…real nice. Tragedy at its best. Luckily, I managed to call this morning to express my concerns and I have a second trial appointment set up for next week. I must say, though, I’m a tad nervous. The chick now knows I was not pleased and she’s within close proximity to many a pair of scissors. I hope she doesn’t get all nuts on me and buzz cut me or something. :)


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