Saturday, May 9, 2009

I'm cursed!

In two short weeks my little sister, Adria, will be graduating from high school and moving to WI for college. To get her acclimated to the "big city", she will be living with us in our guest bedroom. Although I might live to regret saying this, that is NOT the curse. :)

Here's the curse part... In preparation for her arrival, I've decided to paint the walls in the guest room to freshen it up a touch and also make them match the new comforter set we picked out together. I am, however; the WORST paint-color-picker-outer in the world! I spent more minutes than I choose to recollect standing in front of Home Depot's paint chip area, fretting over which color to pick. MANY minutes later, I proceeded to the counter where two fine gentlemen convinced me to go with Behr's new paint line - the "paint and prime in one". I'm a sucker and a marketer's dream. Thirty dollars and twenty minutes later while standing in the guest bedroom (paint in hand), I can't believe I have managed to do it again. I have picked out the wrong color! Ugh. I haven't slapped a coat on yet, but by the initial looks of it, it is way too dark. The funny part is that this is at least the third time in the last three years of us owning our house that this has happened. Word to the wise...I can paint like a mad woman once I get going and I do a pretty darn good job if I do say so myself, but don't EVER ask my opinion on what colors to go with. haha! Maybe once I throw a coat on it won't look so dark? One can only hope! Otherwise maybe Adria won't mind living in a dark cave. I'll tell her that's how we roll in the city...dark style. :)

Week 1, Day 2 of the Pushup Challenge: I'm up to 9! Only 91 more to go. Yikes. When I say it like that...yowza! The good news is that less than one week ago I started at five and I've almost doubled that so far. That's gotta be a good sign, right? We shall see...

Oh - and Happy Mother's Day to all out there!



  1. I refuse to let anyone in my house COUNT the number of times I've bought paint and INSTANTLY hated it! (but there are over 12 gallons in the garage... my house consists of about 6 colors and THOSE containers are all used up; so you do the math!) Anyway, what I've learned is that buying pints instead of gallons could save my marriage and just let them stare at you when you've been standing in front of the paint chips for 40 minutes. I :) Kristee

  2. Good advice...I should definitely start doing the pints first. The gallon was a complete waste of $30. Ugh! :)
