Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hodge Podge

This post is a compilation of an assortment of random topics. Just think of it like that mixed cassette tape you made back in 5th grade. You just NEVER know what might be coming next.

That leads me to my first thought: Is there a limit of cookies to which one can consume in a day? Not if you’re eight and a half months pregnant and your name is Anne Stefl. If I didn’t know better, I’d think my middle name was High Fructose Corn Syrup.

Here's the skinny: I always get all Boyz to Men-style weak in the knees around sweets on an average day, but I swear – I’ve lost all sense of willpower these days. That brings me to today.  I brought in some cookies for my last day of work before I start my maternity leave tomorrow (yippee!!). Bad part? I think I took down more than the rest of my co-workers combined.

Okay, that might be a small exaggeration, but if my child comes out hairy and blue and is frantically searching for a cookie, I guess I know I had one too many and only have myself to blame.

Speaking of the cookie monster, I think the goodies are making their way to him right now…his activity level has really kicked up a notch or twelve. Hey, I don’t blame him. He’s probably all like, “DAMN WOMAN! Chill out with all the sweets. Shoooot.” And I picture him saying all that like the eTrade babies that talk on those commercials. Milk-a-what?!?!?!

Oh and while we’re talking about work and colleagues (well, we were talking about work and colleagues until I got on a tangent about the baby – crap, here I go again!)…they got me again, you guys!! Make the madness stop. Just kidding because I really loved it, but they threw a SECOND surprise baby shower for Eric and I at work last week! This time thankfully I didn’t have quite the same awesomely embarrassing deer in headlights look, but I’m sure I was sporting something equally as scary. We seriously have some of the best co-workers EVER. I just dare you to say your co-workers are better. I double dog dare you.

Next thought…ahhh, the good old bee’s nest that was getting cozy on our front porch. Remember the malicious war that was waged against us that resulted in me getting stung?! (AKA the time Anne swatted at the bee and got too close to their hive so she got stung)

We retaliated. And it was awesome.

One can of wasp spray later: Anne & Eric: 1, Bees: 0

Oh, and last but not least, let me know if anyone has any good book suggestions to keep me occupied for the next two weeks.  I'm in the market for something light and easy to keep my mind and eyes off the clock.  Ahh, the lovely waiting game. 


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