Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Slapsgiving!! (ala Barney Stinson style)

FINALLY. My second favorite holiday is upon us. This year we’re headed up to beautiful Door County to celebrate Thanksgiving. Regrettably, I’m one of three people in the whole state of WI that hasn’t been to Door County before, so I’m definitely excited to take a load off and nosh on way too much food for my own good.

The downside of going to Door County, you ask? I will sadly miss Black Friday shopping. GASP!

Let’s all take a moment of silence, please…..

Black Friday is like a holiday in it of itself. Any reader of this blog knows I love shopping. And any good shopper knows that Black Friday is like the Olympics of shopping. It’s all about powering through and coming out victorious with oodles of gifts at phenomenal prices.

Yes, I’m THAT GIRL that’s up and at ‘em by 3:30am to hit up the shops that open their doors at 4am. It’s pretty ridiculous. And by pretty ridiculous, I mean totally AWESOME!!!

So you see my pain when I came the realization that our Door County trip would result in me missing out on Black Friday. I’m pretty sure shortly thereafter I told Eric that this would be the first and last time we traveled over Thanksgiving. I’m pretty sure it’s written in the bylaws of the “Olympics of Shopping” that prohibiting Black Friday shopping is grounds for divorce. Instead of irreconcilable differences listed on the court papers, it would read: “DUDE! He tried to prohibit Black Friday shopping!”

And the judge would totally side with me and say, "Enough said!"

P.S. – My one saving grace this year is my laptop with wireless internet. Eric’s lucky he got that sucker for me for my birthday. Looks like someone WAS thinking ahead afterall…ha!  Select retailers are also offering online sales, but it's just not the same. Boo.

P.P.S. – I hope everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving holiday! Eat and drink WAY too much – it’s the American way! :)


Thursday, November 12, 2009

“Anne’s Plan for Soldier Return”

I know I’m a day late on thanking all of our wonderful and brave veterans...sorry about that, guys and gals! I did think about y’all yesterday, though. Somewhere in between my drowsy state of chugging orange juice and falling asleep on the couch, I gave a shout out to all of you!

I hate being sick. I don’t get sick often – once a year, if that – but when I do, I feel like I’m about to keel over and die. After spending my life savings on over the counter medicine, I hope I’m on the mend.

Enough about me; back to the Veterans.

I can’t even begin to imagine what it must be like to be away from your family, friends, and loved ones for such extended periods of time while serving our country.

With that said, I’m going to do my small part to try to get you all back on American soil…for good!

You ready to hear my plan? (Brace yourselves)

Please see my flowchart below. I like to call this “Anne’s Plan for Soldier Return”:

I just got a 30% off Kohls coupon, too.  Dangerous.  Start packing, soldiers!!!
And yes, I DO know how riduculous I am.  And yes, this plan is ludicrous.  :)