Friday, November 19, 2010

Well, well, well…what do we have here?

Dear Blog,

It’s me, Anne. You know, the one that used to post semi-regularly on this site. Yes, I know…long time no talk. I’ve been a bit busy. You know…creating human life, birthing him for TWENTY NINE hours, and now raising him into an upstanding member of society. No big deal.

Per elementary school style punishment, I will write 5 times on the chalkboard how I intend to rectify my actions:

I promise to resume regular posts again.
I promise to resume regular posts again.
I promise to resume regular posts again.
I promise to resume regular posts again.
I promise to resume regular posts again.

And let’s be honest…mostly I’ve been too busy dodging puke and pee. I swear this child ‘o mine just waits until I open his diaper to unleash the beast. Where’s a pee-pee-tee-pee when you need one?!

Just 9 days old here

My hand is bigger than his entire torso.  :)

Mastering the art of sitting up in his Bumbo.

Tummy time!

There's the gummy smile that melts my heart.  :)

Please accept these pictures of my work from the last 4 months as a token of my sincere apologies. Cheers!
